I Chose Contraceptive Implant against Breastfeeding Vacation

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My name is Tida Manneh, I was in my early 20s when I got married to the love of my life, Dodou Cham from Brufut, West Coast region of the Gambia. He was in his late 30s and he is from an extended family. All the sons of the Cham Family reside in the Family compound with their wives to honor the dying wishes of their late father.

When I gave birth to my first, a boy. My mother-in-law informs me that I am now relieved of all domestic chores and after the naming ceremony, they will excuse me to go and stay with my mother to breastfeed my son. She said I should treat it as a vacation and rest.  

I was shocked by the news and I wondered why would my mother-in-law think that I wanted to go on vacation when I was still supposed to be on my honeymoon. My husband and I have been married for one year and I am still very young and sexually active so why do I have to stay away from my man? Boom! I started dripping in cold sweats, my imagination running wild. Are they getting my husband another woman? Did I offend my mother-in-law? Why do they want to get rid of me when I am supposed to go through this postpartum journey with my husband? I started pacing around the house unknowingly. Then the cry of my baby snapped me out of my misery and I couldn’t wait for my husband to come home so that he could clarify and provide answers to all my questions.

The moment my husband got home and we exchanged greetings, I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I burst into tears and asked him why he was sending me to my mother’s place for a vacation I did not consent to. The poor guy was surprised at my sudden outburst and asked me to calm down and explain everything to him in detail so that he could understand what I was talking about.

After repeating what his mother told me. He burst into laughter continuously for a few seconds. He then took my hands and said, I am sorry my mother should have explained it in detail to you due to your age and background. He said all the family still practice the old method of birth spacing and to achieve that, his sisters-in-law go to their mother’s place after giving birth to rest and to avoid being pregnant while breastfeeding.

I also burst into laughter and my husband’s face darkened and he looked at me surprisingly. I told him that in this day and age, they allow their wives to go to their parents in the name of birth spacing amid modern contraceptives. I told my husband that we made the baby together and as parents, we are supposed to go through the postpartum together. I am not going to burden my mother with my baby because she has done enough to take care of me. I am not also going to endure the sleepless nights of feeding and changing the baby’s diaper alone when his father, my husband is alive and within reach. I informed my husband that I prefer Implant to the breastfeeding vacation because he has to perform his duties to me as my husband and I refuse to practice abstinence again while I am married.

He said his mother will not like the idea of me using Contraceptives and it may create a rift between us. I told him that implants are not visible because it is a flexible plastic rod about the size of a matchstick that is placed under the skin of the upper arm. The implant releases a low, steady dose of the hormone progestin. I told him if he did not tell his mother or family, they wouldn’t know.

After the naming ceremony, we inform my mother-in-law about my decision to stay with my husband instead of going to my mother. I promised her that I would not get pregnant because I would track my ovulation. A week later, I was done with my postpartum bleeding and my husband closed from work, came home, and found me praying. He went straight to the bathroom to freshen up and head to the bedroom. I went inside to ask him if should set the table for lunch, he rushed towards me, grabbed my waist, pulled me to him, and gave me a deep passionate kiss. We stayed like that kissing for a few seconds, he stopped and said to me, choosing implant over the Breastfeeding vacation is the best decision you have ever made. We laugh and head to the bed to finish what we started with a passionate kiss and the rest of the evening was a romantic frenzy.

Note: Contraceptive implants are effective, long-term birth control. Benefits of the implant include:

A care provider can remove the implant anytime you decide it's not right for you or you want to get pregnant. You'll need to replace it every three years. But you won't have to worry about it every day or every month like other methods. No need to pause sex or get your partner to agree to birth control. Methods containing estrogen can raise the risk of forming blood clots. So, the implant may be a better choice for you if you want a lower-risk option.

It allows a quick return to fertility. If you want to get pregnant, you can start trying as soon as the implant is removed. But contraceptive implants aren't right for everyone. Your care team might suggest another birth control method if you have allergies to any parts of the implant, or a history of serious blood clots, heart attack or stroke, Liver tumours, or disease. A history of breast cancer, or if you might have breast cancer.



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